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Chat Room Satanic


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The Satanic Temple's Protect Children Project has just put theRoundRockIndependent School District in Texas on notice, after video footage surfaced showing a student being violently thrown into a "calm down room"...

Sites providing factual information about suicide, pro-suicide sites, and chat rooms discussing general issues relating to suicide occurred most often within the first few hits of a search and thus are more likely to be accessed. Dedicated suicide sites and sites giving factual information about suicide had the highest proportion of number one ranks across searches (25% and 27%, respectively, of all first ranked sites). Addresses that were not available or relevant to the search term were the third most likely to be top ranked. This is partly because of eight references to a withdrawn Satan Service page.

Just under half of the 480 web pages visited provided some information about methods of suicide. Almost all dedicated suicide and factual information sites provided such information but, notably, a fifth (21%) of support or prevention sites, over half (55%) of academic or policy sites, and all news reports of suicides also provided information about methods. A quarter of the hits provided more detailed evaluation of methods, most of which were dedicated suicide sites or other information sites. Chat rooms and discussion boards also regularly provided information about methods. A third of the hits referenced hanging.

Internet homicide refers to killing in which victim and perpetrator met online, in some cases having known each other previously only through the Internet.[1][2][3] Also Internet killer is an appellation found in media reports for a person who broadcasts the crime of murder online or who murders a victim met through the Internet.[4][5] Depending on the venue used, other terms used in the media are Internet chat room killer, Craigslist killer, Facebook serial killer. Internet homicide can also be part of an Internet suicide pact or consensual homicide.[4] Some commentators believe that reports on these homicides have overemphasized their connection to the Internet.[6]

Online predators, participants in internet suicide and suicide-homicide pacts, and internet killers may seek out victims through internet forums, chat rooms, listservs, email, bulletin boards, social networking sites, online role playing games, online dating services, Yahoo groups, or Usenet.[15][16][17]

Online chatrooms are sometimes used by killers to meet and bait potential victims.[2][3][18] For example, the Japanese serial murderer Hiroshi Maeue is known to have found victims by using online suicide chat rooms.[19] The killer Lisa M. Montgomery is reported to have met her victim in an online chatroom for rat terrier lovers called "Ratter Chatter."[20]

Online chatrooms are also used, in some cases, to plan consensual homicides. For example, in 1996, a Maryland woman, Sharon Lopatka, apparently agreed to be killed by torture and strangulation in a conversation with a man in an online chatroom.[21][22] Robert Frederick Glass pleaded guilty to killing Lopatka and later died in prison while serving his sentence. In a case that might be regarded as a quasi-consensual homicide, "John," a teenage boy from Altrincham, England, allegedly tricked another teenager into killing him using long conversations in an online chatroom. The other teenager, Mark, apparently believed he was being recruited by some female Secret Service agent. The suicide-by-homicide failed and on May 29, 2004 John pleaded guilty to inciting someone to murder him and was sentenced to three years supervision. Mark pleaded guilty to attempted murder and was sentenced to two years supervision. The boys were forbidden to contact each other.[23]

The following individuals have been arrested and/or convicted of crimes in which police claimed that Internet services such as chat rooms and Craigslist advertisements were used to contact victims or hire a murderer. Despite sharing a similar method of contacting victims, they apparently have varied motivations. In the list below, the victims' deaths may have been premeditated, especially if the perpetrator is a serial killer, but they may also have resulted from a robbery, insurance fraud, or a sexual encounter that turned violent.

According to the legend, there is a room deep underground that can be entered only by those possessed with the powers to lift giant axes that weigh thousands of pounds and block the doors. The room is filled with a glowing human skull that is the last sign before you encounter the devil himself. Other, slightly more plausible legends, tell of people drowning in the drains, while trying to explore them and the rooms underground being used as meeting places for devil worshippers and members of the KKK. 2ff7e9595c


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