Northwood I and II are furnished one or two bedroom apartments with a kitchen, living room and bathroom. Each bedroom comes with one single bed which cannot be removed. Northwood contracts begin on either the 1st or the 16th of your move-in month. All contracts end June 30th.
apartment family finder single
For Northwood Apartments, single graduate students may choose to rent individually or share an apartment. You may select a roommate of your choice or we can assign a roommate to you. We cannot guarantee requested roommates will be assigned together.
Need a roommate? We offer an online roommate finder board for single graduate students who do not already have a contract and who would like to share an apartment in Northwood Community Apartments. This optional feature is provided to help you connect with other U-M graduate students who are also looking for roommates.
Earle Street is a 16-unit rental property that includes 14 single person occupancy units and 2 apartments. All units receive project-based Section 8 rental assistance. Way Finders assumed property management responsibility in January 2012.
The beauty of living at a Redwood Neighborhood is you know what you're going to getat every location. We go above and beyond to make sure you've got top-notch service to go along with your new, top-notch, single-story apartment home. And every Redwood Neighborhood offers our signature benefits, including the Redwood Guarantee.
At Redwood, we understand your pets are part of the family. That's why we want you to bring them along! All of our apartments allow up to three pets, including dogs* and cats, and you pay ONE pet rent, regardless of the number of pets you have.You're only responsible for three fees when you have pets at Redwood:
Change is inevitable, and sometimes you need a place to stay for just a short period of time. That's why we offer short-term leases! Rent an apartment home that feels like a single-family home, no matter how long you choose to stay.
The interactive map below provides a state-level breakdown of the market share for ENERGY STAR certified new homes and apartments. The map compares the number of site-built, single-family and multifamily ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments to the number of new, privately-owned, homes and apartments permitted in each state and the District of Columbia, adjusted for housing completions. For additional details about ENERGY STAR achievements see ENERGY STAR Impacts.
If you are a renter living in an apartment or other multifamily rental housing with five or more units and you're facing financial challenges as a result of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to help. Talk to your landlord to find out what housing assistance options might be available. Here are some tips that can help you reach an understanding:
The Payment Standard refers to the maximum amount of subsidy HPD will pay for an apartment of the same size. You may lease an apartment with a rent higher than the Payment Standard, but you must pay the difference and your total tenant share cannot exceed 40% of your income. HPD will not approve your subsidy in a unit where the landlord is a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister or brother of any member of the assisted household. HPD may waive this restriction as a reasonable accommodation for a family member with a documented disability. To determine your Payment Standard, search by zip code using the dropdown menu below or by address using the map below.HPD also uses Exception Payment Standards (EPS). EPS is set at the zip code level and allows for subsidy levels that more closely match the local market. EPS is intended to expand housing opportunities in zip codes that have lower rates of poverty and crime and have well-resourced schools. These areas are highlighted in the map below. Please note that EPS applies only to Section 8 voucher holders
Named Chicago's best apartment finder for several years running, Domu connects renters with apartments for rent in Chicago that are worthy of calling home. And landlords, you can trust Domu to list your Chicago apartments and apartment buildings.
HotPads focuses more on apartments than single-family homes, but you will find a reasonable number of homes as well. A particularly nice feature is the ability to input your work location to see the length of the commute by car, foot, bike, or public transit.
Not necessarily. It depends on the neighborhood. Some cities, such as New Orleans, have lots of single-family homes for rent, and prices are competitive with apartment complexes. In other places, such as parts of New York City, stand-alone rental houses are scarce and highly expensive.
Students who prefer more independent living may choose to live in University owned apartments. Conveniently located within walking distance of campus, University Apartments offers single undergraduates a variety of furnished units.
Accommodates single-family detached residential development at low densities (15,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship.
Accommodates single-family detached residential development at low densities (10,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship.
Accommodates single-family detached residential development at moderate densities (6,000 square-foot minimum lot size), as well as small-scale multi-family dwellings. Larger scale multi-family developments are allowed with special use permits. Also allowed are complementary uses such as parks, open space, schools, and places of worship.
The land uses described in the Use Table are principal uses, or, in other words, the dominant land use on a parcel of property. Accessory uses are subordinate land uses that support principal uses. For example, on a lot in a single family residential zoning district, a house would be the principal use, while a backyard storage shed would be an accessory use. Section 30-4.D of the UDO ( -nc/doc-viewer.aspx#secid-10435) provides a list of accessory uses and the standards which apply to them.
Columbia offers a range of traditional, family-friendly housing options and apartments. You can widen your search on websites such as,,,, and
Situated northeast of downtown, this fast-growing area includes apartment communities and family friendly neighborhoods. The drive to campus could take anywhere from 20-40 minutes depending on the interstate traffic.
Housing options include single-occupancy studio and one-bedroom apartments for students who want to live and study on their own; one- and two-bedroom shared apartments to accommodate roommates; or one- and two-bedroom apartments for married couples and families. Spaces are very limited, so apply early!
Whether you're a single student, or have a spouse, partner, or family, you'll find a variety of living options available to you at Cornell and in the Ithaca area. The options are in three categories: on-campus housing, Maplewood Apartments, and other off-campus housing. 95% of Cornell's graduate and professional students live in residences that are not university-owned. 2ff7e9595c